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gloria 的歌词_gloria的歌词

ysladmin 2024-05-21
gloria 的歌词_gloria的歌词       接下来,我将为大家解答有关gloria 的歌词的问题,希望我的回答对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就开始探讨一下gloria 的歌词的话题
gloria 的歌词_gloria的歌词

       接下来,我将为大家解答有关gloria 的歌词的问题,希望我的回答对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就开始探讨一下gloria 的歌词的话题吧。

1.The Spectres的《Gloria》 歌词

2.Enchantment的《Gloria》 歌词



gloria 的歌词_gloria的歌词

The Spectres的《Gloria》 歌词


       歌手:The Spectres

       专辑:Picturesque Matchstickable Messages From The Status Quo


       "Laura Branigan"

       "Umberto Tozzi, Giancarlo Bigazzi &

       Trevor Veitch; Sugar Song"

       Gloria, you're always on the run now

       Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow

       I think you've got to slow down before you start to blow it

       I think you're headed for a breakdown

       So be careful not to show it

       You really don't remember

       Was it something that he said?

       Are the voices in your head calling

       Calling, Gloria?

       Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?

       If everybody wants you,

       Why isn't anybody callin'?

       You don't have to answer

       Leave them hangin' on the line

       Oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria

       Gloria (Gloria)

       I think they got your number (Gloria)

       I think they got the alias (Gloria)

       That you've been living under (Gloria)

       But you really don't remember

       Was it something that they said?

       Are the voices in your head

       Calling, Gloria?

       A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, Gloria

       How's it gonna go down?

       Will you meet him on the main line

       Or will you catch him on the rebound?

       Will you marry for the money

       Take a lover in the afternoon?

       Feel your innocence slipping away

       Don't believe it's comin' back soon

       And you really don't remember

       Was it something that he said?

       Are the voices in your head calling

       Calling, Gloria?

       Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?

       If everybody wants you,

       Why isn't anybody callin'?

       You don't have to answer

       Leave them hangin' on the line

       Oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria

       Gloria (Gloria)

       I think they got your number (Gloria)

       I think they got the alias (Gloria)

       That you've been living under (Gloria)

       But you really don't remember

       Was it something that they said?

       Are the voices in your head

       Gloria, Gloria..












Enchantment的《Gloria》 歌词



       专辑:SHE LOVES YOU





       魅惑の扉 将来の展望だって





       问题 山积みなんだ


       this feeling


       all my love




       Cry やいやいやいやい











       bad feeling


       all my love


       辉く先に GLORIA


       Cry やいやいやいやい








       专辑:If You Re Ready...The Best Of Enchantment


       "Laura Branigan"

       "Umberto Tozzi, Giancarlo Bigazzi &

       Trevor Veitch; Sugar Song"

       Gloria, you're always on the run now

       Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow

       I think you've got to slow down before you start to blow it

       I think you're headed for a breakdown

       So be careful not to show it

       You really don't remember

       Was it something that he said?

       Are the voices in your head calling

       Calling, Gloria?

       Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?

       If everybody wants you,

       Why isn't anybody callin'?

       You don't have to answer

       Leave them hangin' on the line

       Oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria

       Gloria (Gloria)

       I think they got your number (Gloria)

       I think they got the alias (Gloria)

       That you've been living under (Gloria)

       But you really don't remember

       Was it something that they said?

       Are the voices in your head

       Calling, Gloria?

       A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, Gloria

       How's it gonna go down?

       Will you meet him on the main line

       Or will you catch him on the rebound?

       Will you marry for the money

       Take a lover in the afternoon?

       Feel your innocence slipping away

       Don't believe it's comin' back soon

       And you really don't remember

       Was it something that he said?

       Are the voices in your head calling

       Calling, Gloria?

       Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?

       If everybody wants you,

       Why isn't anybody callin'?

       You don't have to answer

       Leave them hangin' on the line

       Oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria

       Gloria (Gloria)

       I think they got your number (Gloria)

       I think they got the alias (Gloria)

       That you've been living under (Gloria)

       But you really don't remember

       Was it something that they said?

       Are the voices in your head

       Gloria, Gloria..













       爱(いと)しさはすぐ近(ちか)くに ほんとうは 居(い) たのでした

       冷(つめ)たい両手(りょうて)で 贵方(あなた)の頬(ほほ) を 包(つづ)み

       长(なが)い旅(たび)を终(お)えたような 静(しず)かな安(やす)らぎの中(なか)

       ひとりを悼(いた)んで 少(すこ)しだけ泣(な)きました

       Gloria 全(すべ)て世(よ)はこともなく 午后(ごご)の阳射(ひざ)しあかるく

       幸(しあわ)せの歌(うた)响(ひび)き 云雀(ひばり)の丘(おか)は光(ひか)る

       贵方(あなた)と共(とも)に行(い)こう この坂道(さかみち)を行(い)こう

       むせかえるほど薫(かお)る 若草(わかぐさ)を踏(ふ)んで

       果物(くだもの)のかたちをした まあるい楽器(がっき)のように


       私(わたし)を洗(あら)い揺(ゆ)さぶり いたみとなぐさめが今(いま)

       贵方(あなた)を爱(あい)せる 心(こころ)をつくりました

       Gloriaなにかやさしいものが 确(たし)かにここにあって

       幸(しあわ)せの歌(うた)うたう その儚(はかな)きを行(い)こう

       爱(あい)と希望(きぼう)のために 涙(なみだ)と贽(にえ)のために

       眩(まぶ)しい夜(よる)と昼(ひる)の はじまりを踏(ふ)んで





       一投细撒哇素古期嘎苦尼 后恩投~哇 一沓诺带西塔

       次买它一 溜我太呆 阿娜塔诺厚厚我次子米

       那嘎一他比我 哦哎他哟那 西组卡纳雅俗啦ki诺那卡

       Hi拖里哦 一沓恩带 素扣细打开那ki马西塔

       Gloria苏百态哟哇 扣头莫那苦 够够诺hi咋洗啊卡鲁苦

       细啊哇塞诺无他hi比ki hi吧里诺哦卡瓦hi卡鲁

       啊那他脱脱莫你 有扣我 扣诺萨卡米奇我 有扣我

       母塞卡哎路后托 卡哦路 哇卡箍撒我 不恩带

       苦打莫 诺诺卡他期我洗他 吗啊路一噶ki诺哟我你

       阿娜塔嘎 卡那带路 卡那细密投哟咯扣比嘎

       瓦塔西喔啊啦一有撒布力 一沓米投那股撒买嘎一马

       啊那他我 爱一塞露 扣扣罗我词库里吗西塔

       Gloria 那你卡 呀撒洗衣莫诺嘎 他西卡你扣扣你啊带

       细呀哇塞诺无他 物他无 锁诺哈卡那撒我 与口我

       爱一拖ki波我诺他买你 纳米大投你爱诺他买你

       抹布洗衣哟路投 hi路诺 哈吉马里我夫恩带


       爱(いと)しさはすぐ近(ちか)くに ほんとうは 居(い) たのでした

       冷(つめ)たい両手(りょうて)で 贵方(あなた)の頬(ほほ) を 包(つづ)み

       长(なが)い旅(たび)を终(お)えたような 静(しず)かな安(やす)らぎの中(なか)

       ひとりを悼(いた)んで 少(すこ)しだけ泣(な)きました

       Gloria 全(すべ)て世(よ)はこともなく 午后(ごご)の阳射(ひざ)しあかるく

       幸(しあわ)せの歌(うた)响(ひび)き 云雀(ひばり)の丘(おか)は光(ひか)る

       贵方(あなた)と共(とも)に行(ゆ)こう この坂道(さかみち)を行(ゆ)こう

       むせかえるほど薫(かお)る 若草(わかぐさ)を踏(ふ)んで

       果物(くだもの)のかたちをした まあるい楽器(がっき)のように


       私(わたし)を洗(あら)い揺(ゆ)さぶり いたみとなぐさめが今(いま)

       贵方(あなた)を爱(あい)せる 心(こころ)をつくりました

       Gloriaなにかやさしいものが 确(たし)かにここにあって

       幸(しあわ)せの歌(うた)うたう その儚(はかな)きを行(ゆ)こう

       爱(あい)と希望(きぼう)のために 涙(なみだ)と贽(にえ)のために

       眩(まぶ)しい夜(よる)と昼(ひる)の はじまりを踏(ふ)んで

       好了,今天关于“gloria 的歌词”的话题就到这里了。希望大家通过我的介绍对“gloria 的歌词”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。